My Thoughts Are Toward You (by Bill Word – AsOne) My thoughts are toward you, About you and for you, I knew you before the foundations of the earth. I wondrously made you, Marvelously formed You, In the sanctuary of your Mother's womb. And a mother may forget you, I never will, I've numbered your days, I know how each of them will be filled. A mom & a dad may throw a child away, They may kill one before it is born. But life belongs to Me my child, And in Me, Paradise is yours. My Thoughts are toward you, About you and for you, I hear you before you ever begin to pray, I wondrously made you, Marvelously formed you, I provide for you, In loving, Fatherly ways, You might think you've been forgotten, But you never were by Me. I planned good works for you to do, I've planted in you good seed, With tears you'll sow, With joy you'll reap, From God's Word which gives life, Wherever you go you'll never be alone, I'll live in you my child. My thoughts are toward you, About you and for you, I'm the author of your faith, and of hope and of love, I wondrously made you, Marvelously formed you, I'll complete in you, The good work I've begun. I've forgotten the things which lie behind you, In my eyes you are clean I've placed my mark upon your heart, I've called you by My name, I'm coming again for a spotless bride, Sealed with a holy kiss, Come join me at my marriage feast, You are welcome if you will. My thoughts are toward you, And you, And you, Each one of you.All Rights Reserved
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