Noah stared up at the sky, surrounded by mounds of discarded garbage bags, their stink choking his nostrils and seeping into his clothes. "I'm not a loser," he mumbled to himself, ignoring the pain in every inch of his body and the blood trickling down from his nose. "I'm not a loser. I'm not my dad. I'm not a loser..."
But he was, wasn't he? Here he was, abandoned in the very dumpster that he'd thrown so-called "losers" in during the start of highschool, with nothing but a bloody nose, a mohawk and the clothes on his back. He was flunking, a drop-out. Nothing more than a Lima Loser.
What was he going to do? Cry? He'd expected himself to, but no tears fell. His eyes were as dry as ever. To be honest, he felt nothing. He was an empty husk lying in the very dumpster he belonged in.
He almost jumped out of his skin when he heard his name. The voice speaking it was soft, feminine, almost angelic. He looked up and spotted the porcelain-white face of a boy, with familiar chestnut hair and crystal blue eyes. The face of none other than...