Stumbling around in the forest wasn't the best for the little 3 year old, since it was snowing and all. He had very little body heat, his best friend was bleeding out on his back, being two and having very little in the first place, and the other crying and wasting his energy running ahead and back, scouting.
"Oh. my. god. What happened to you three?" A mans voice sounded, he seemed sad, pained, and extremly angered. Flinching, the two that were awake looked up at the three men standing near the meadow they were trying to get too, how didn't they see them?
"Sapnap, pick up the one carrying the other, George grab the other one. I got the bleeding one." The green sweat shirted man demanded, the children barely understood, only know they were tired, exhausted, and needed sleep.
I own nothing but about half the plot, and the description is just an unedited beginning for chapter one! Enjoy!
A young blonde boy wakes up in the middle of the forest. He can't remember how he got there or much about himself either. His name is blank from his mind, and he can't even remember his family. His clothes are torn and dirty, and he wonders what happened. He's not hungry, but he wants a small snack, yet every apple tree and every berry bush he passes doesn't strike his fancy.
He eventually makes it to a city. Large buildings are fallen over and the ones still standing have busted out windows and/or have smoke and fire coming from them. He can hear distant screams and yells and gunshots. There are people passing him that are strange. They're badly injured and walk slightly hunched over. Some are missing limbs, and some are missing and eye, or both. They don't even appear to be alive to the boy. They look his way but don't mind him.
Tommy is confused and scared. He can slightly remember this place to be his once home, and it makes him upset that's it's gone to such shit, and scared by everyone's screams and the fires and the fighting, and mostly, the fact that some people are eating each other.
And why are people running from the boy when they see him?
Started: January 14, 2023
Finished: January 15, 2023