SUPERFLUOUS- Unnecessary, exceeding what is sufficient or necessary: EXTRA My whole life I've always wondered what it would feel like to actually be needed, to be your own person. When you live with 10 other insanely powerful people who can all do what you do, you tend to question your place on this planet. I am the 11th Eternal. -- THIS IS A WANDA X READER gxg BOOK-- I have low-key bad grammar sometimes so if there's any spelling errors or like misuse of punctuation just let me know :) This book will be taking place after age of ultron but before civil war -- For the most part this will be written based off my own ideas unless I start taking scenes from movies when it comes to that. Don't worry tho ill try to use movie scenes too. I will also be trying to update at least weekly but sometimes I forget or become unmotivated to update. please enjoy my book :)All Rights Reserved