29 parts Ongoing In a world where powerful creatures live under the rule of kings and queens, an omega born into a family of dominant Alphas hides a softer, more vulnerable side. Though he presents himself as strong, he harbors a quiet, submissive nature, longing for the one destined to understand and claim him. Living among humans, he keeps his true self concealed-until he crosses paths with a true-blood Alpha, a creature of immense strength and ruthlessness.
This Alpha, born on a cursed day, is feared by all for his heartless and cold demeanor. But when he meets the omega, an uncontrollable obsession takes root. Possessive and dangerously protective, the Alpha's dark desires consume him, demanding complete ownership of the omega. His wolf burns with jealousy, and he's willing to destroy anyone who dares come near his Mate. As the omega gradually reveals his submissive self, the Alpha's violent tendencies grow, but so does his devotion.
Their bond teeters on the edge of obsession and worship. The Alpha, who has never bowed to anyone, finds himself on his knees before the one person who can calm the storm within him. In this dangerous world of dominance, power, and loyalty, their love is a battle between possessiveness and submission, where the only thing stronger than the Alpha's jealousy is the omega's ability to tame him.
This is story of love π