Y/n Son of Bismarck and 3rd class of the KMS Bismarck battleship. Bismarck and other ship were fighting Azur Lane and they were corner, Bismarck was going to sacrifice herself but Y/n does not allow her. Y/n said he will sacrifice himself because Iron Blood need their leader, Bismarck does not allow this so Y/n knock her out. Y/n command the shipgirls to leave and bring Bismarck along with them as he will fight and sacrifice himself. Azur Lane fight Y/n and manage to beat him but was also sad that he going to sunk and Bismarck going to lose her son. Y/n said to Azur Lane that "if you ever meet my mother Bismarck again, tell her that I'm sorry" and they nodded. Bismarck woke up and ask what happened and Prinz Eugen said Y/n sacrifice himself to save us all. After that Bismarck fell into tears and crying as she been in her room for a month same with Tirpitz. Many Iron Blood Shipgirls was sad that Y/n died even the commander and for Azur Lane they regret killing Bismarck son. However they didn't know that Y/n was still alive and was captured by the Sirens and got experimented on. 1 year have passed since then and now the factions have reunited and as Bismarck hold a grudge against Azur Lane as she is mad at them. The Bismarck family have a necklace that hold a picture of them and have their name behind the necklace to know whos necklace it belong to and it can't be taken off by other people other than yourself. When Y/n was captured and experimented on he met a fox girl and she introduce herself as Amagi. Amagi was held prisoner here and Y/n was getting experimented on as his appearance change and lost his memories. he only know his name and nothing else and he only have a goal in mind "Destroy The Sirens".Alle Rechte vorbehalten