On a peaceful cloudy morning a young kit whose eyes had just seen the world a for a few hours floats into Talonclan's bustling camp. Cats are worried and panicked once their eyes meet a little scrap of fur on a piece of molding wood. Driftkit never knew his real mother, but he knew that he didn't belong suckling his mothers milk beside two different kits he never scented before. Driftkit is young and anxious, his thoughts weighing his small body down. How can a kit like him hope to make it through kithood without challenges? He can't and never did. Explore Driftkit's life from when he was a tiny kit to when he speaks his last words. Walk through a camp full of cats and sit beside the creek, a lump of dirt beside you with dead flowers should be there. Look in the creek and a story is waiting for you, the story of Driftberry. +- ' . * WARRIORS CATS BELONG TO ERIN HUNTER AND ONLY! ALL CHARACTERS AND CLANS IN THIS BOOK ARE MINE. THIS BOOK IS BASED OFF OF WARRIOR CATS! * . ' -+