A rewrite of the Kanto saga of the Pokémon Anime that follows Ari, an adventurous female Trainer from Pallet Town, with her partner Pokémon Eevee, and her friends, Misty and Brock.
Compared to the original anime story, some events are moved around, some characters are cut, some completely new faces appear, backstories may be changed - and the wider Team Rocket Organisation becomes a FAR bigger deal, with Jessie, James, and Meowth being only a small part of Giovanni's grand plan. That's without mentioning some twists and additions to the lore that will turn Ari's Pokémon Journey on its head!
I also aimed to modernise the original saga with the inclusion of the Dark-, Steel-, and Fairy-types, Abilities, and even more minor mechanic changes, such as Electric-types being immue to Paralysis and powder Moves having no effect on Grass-types. Major story deviations begin at Chapter Nine (A Cave Conspiracy).
Obviously, I do not own Pokémon, only original characters such as Ari. Images belong to the Anime or TCG.
This is the start of a new journey for our young protagonist. As she obtains new Pokemon, new friends, and new sights, she may find something more behind the scenes. Witness as this young girl obtains knowledge, not only about the world, but about herself and her family. Who she really is and what her purpose is will be revealed as she helps others find their meanings along the way.
I do not own Pokemon. I only own the original characters I come up with.
I do not own any images as well.
Note: I attempted to edit this a while back and never really finished doing that. The first couple chapters were edited, and notes at the bottom will tell you what was changed, so if something doesn't exactly line up later that's why. Sorry for that, but I am kind of done with this series and don't really have the will to polish it, so to speak.