14 parts Ongoing As the fifth year at Hogwarts unfolds, Azalea Potter, the enigmatic heiress of House Black, is swept into a whirlwind of danger and dark allure. Bound inseparably to her twin brother Harry since birth, their shared history and unbreakable bond have always been their strength. But with the arrival of the mysterious new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Marvolo Slytherin, their world is thrown into chaos.
Professor Slytherin's unsettling presence and beguiling charm obscure a deeper, darker secret that whispers warnings to Azalea. Struggling to navigate her intricate relationships-with Harry, her constant ally and confidant, and their godfather Sirius-Azalea finds herself drawn into an ominous connection with Slytherin. Despite the creeping shadow that hangs over him, she cannot deny the magnetic pull she feels.
When Azalea uncovers a chilling truth-that the Dark Lord Voldemort has resurfaced under the guise of Professor Slytherin-her world shatters. Torn between the seductive darkness and her loyalty to Harry, she must confront her own fears and desires. As the forbidden romance deepens, Azalea faces a heart-wrenching choice: embrace the dark allure or risk everything to unmask the true villain threatening the wizarding world.
In a race against time, Azalea's every decision could tip the balance between salvation and catastrophe. With her and Harry's intertwined fates hanging by a thread, she must navigate treacherous paths where love and betrayal collide. Will their bond withstand the encroaching darkness, or will it become their undoing?