This is the first book of KOTLC, but instead of Keefe knowing what everyone feels, WE know what Keefe feels. That's right, it's in Keefe's POV- the whole book. ALSO VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE: THIS BOOK ISN'T ONLY FOR SOKEEFE SHIPPERS, I PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE! (In fact, I may make one from Fitz's pov too) Please, no matter what you ship, if you find this interesting, you can read it. I know lots of people don't read a fanfic because it's not whatever ship they want it to be. If a book is good, it's good, no matter what the ship is. Plus, THE FIRST BOOK BARELY HAD ANY MOMENTS FOR ANY SHIP, and Sophie didn't know anyone that well. Please, whatever you ship does NOT matter in this. I don't know if anyone has done this before, (probably) but I hope you like this one too(If there ARE more like these- I haven't seen any but there probably is). AT THE END, THERE'S EXTRA SCENES IN KEEFE'S POV BECAUSE THE FIRST BOOK DOESN'T HAVE SO MANY IMPORTANT SCENES! Um, yay and stuff- OH, this is my first time writing so if you're reading this, and it's bad, please forgive me because I'm not very experienced. *I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE AWESOME CHARACTERS- I wish I did, but I give all the credit to Shannon Messenger*
This fanfic takes place after Unlocked, which ends (spoiler alert) with Keefe leaving. Sophie's heartbroken about him being gone, maybe forever, but the Neverseen is still a threat to her and her friends and family. After losing Keefe, Sophie's not here to play their games anymore.
This is rated as mature because I'll occasionally reference something more graphic or use stronger language. (Sassy kinda-psycho Sophie?????)
The cover is by soso_doodles on Tumblr--which you should totally check out, her art is awesome!
All characters belong to Shannon Messenger.