The story follows a group of children who grew up in a haunted house. Now, as adults, Keishin, Tetsurou, Suguru, Atsumu, and Osamu are forced back together in the face of tragedy and must finally confront the ghosts of their past. Some of those ghosts still lurk in their minds, while others may actually be stalking within the shadows.
Be mindful of the dates because there are several flashbacks. This is somehow related to my first story, "Don't Look Now" and my third story, "The Mysterious Mr. Takeshi."
The story took place when our beloved "Haikyuu!!" characters are already adults, mostly late 20s, working as professionals, some are engaged, married, divorced, some have kids, etc. Some characters know each other like their relationship in the manga/anime (like teammates or schoolmates), but some don't. Characters were reimagined as mixed with other schools, teams, or families. Some new names maybe mentioned but mostly names of their children and only a product of the author's imagination.
This isn't finished yet. It's inspired by numerous scary movies and TV shows the writer had watched, a book she had read and of course, "Haikyuu!!"
By the way, the writer of this story doesn't own "Haikyuu!!" or any of the characters in it. "Haikyuu!" is created by Haruichi Furudate.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
The writer used the characters' first names, example, instead of "Kuroo," the name "Tetsurou" is used.
The writer will mention the TV series, movies and book she got inspiration from at the end of the story.
A Maybank and A Cameron? It's almost like a modern Romeo and Juliet. It's forbidden for them to be together. Could be the end of the world.
The stolen glances, the hidden feelings, the unspoken words, the secret meetings and the obvious hatred towards each other followed by constant conflicts and some hidden past that threatened them but there are always invisible strings tied and pulling them together no matter how hard the tides trying to pull and part them away from each other.