We have to look into ourselves to answer the questions that often have us go insane. Insanity can be brief, like five minutes. You don't have to become a murderous fiend or do anything that will end you in the Daily Mail, although I'm sure it would make a good headline, to shift free papers, to be read on tube journeys. If I don't investigate the stuff that happens in my life then it grows like a nasty fungus that gets all itchy. Not fun. Lack of investigation has lead me to drinking, drugging and shagging people that weren't worth my time otherwise. I journey to make sense of all the generic lines I've been fed. Before generics there were brands that were costly and we accepted the brands as being the best so therefore treated them differently. Generics are easily accessed and if you don't like the generic I'm feeding you, then you don't have to wait long for another generic to come, because it inevitably will. That's not to say that I will be feeding you substandard nosh. No that's not what a generic is. Its just without a brand. It should make you question whether or not you need a brand that's all. But this isn't what this is all about. The above is a rant nothing more and nothing less, unless of course it resonates with you in such a way then you should feel free to tell me about it. Please carry on reading the other parts to Twelve Steps because this is only the beginning to engage you.All Rights Reserved