You are Barry Allen's little twin sister. You are best-friends with Oliver queen. You haven't seen Oliver in five years because you had heard that he had died on a boat trip with his dad. Until one day you got a call from Thea Oliver's little sister asking if you want to come to starling city and hangout and you said yes. When you got to the queens house you said hi to everyone and Thea came downstairs and you guys went and spent your day. Then one day you went to go hangout with Thea when you got it the queens house Thea came downstairs and said that she has a surprise for you that's when Oliver came downstairs you were so happy that you ran and jumped into his arms. Then Oliver said that he has something to show you so he took you to his dads old work house and showed you everything and told you how he was the guy in the hood (aka arrow) because he trust you. A few days gone by and you have been helping Oliver with fighting bad guys along with Oliver's body Guard. You had finally released how much you have missed Oliver and you guys have been getting close then one day you released that you have feelings for Oliver. How would Oliver feel when you tell him your feelings? Do you think he will like you back? Who will you tell first Thea your bestie Oliver's little sister. Your brother Barry. Or you and Barry's best-friend iris or Oliver's body guard dig? What do you think will happen between you and Oliver's friendship will it change or will it be distorted?All Rights Reserved