In a world where anthros and humans live together in a very rocky harmony, a secret corporation captures both humans and anthros alike to be test subjects in sickening experiments as well as rogue armies, gangs and much more threaten the peace of the world. A story will unfold... one that brings light, one that brings dark, these two will have a fate that will entertwine with one another, all leading to a fight for peace or destruction.
Humanity has fallen before the Anthro races. Twenty years of war has reduced the human population to drastically low numbers, severe enough to warrant the Anthro races to "reposition" their stance on humanity despite an almost fanatical unwillingness to surrender.
A war for extermination turns into a rescue mission overnight.
Enter Sako Squad, comprised of six highly trained spec-ops soldiers for the Anthro Military. They have been tasked to locate and capture a famous and notorious human resistance fighter only known by the alias of "Swan."
They can locate him, but will they be able to endure the future and everything it will bring when they take him in?