32 Bagian Lengkap DewasaTriallaire (tree-ahl-uh-dehr) - Voyager
Having to adapt to life in her own time was more difficult than Catrìona, as the rebellion had been won by the time she returned. For a while, she lives the best life that she can with the daughter that Jamie forced her to save, Maevis, until trouble stirs up again. She is forced to send her daughter away to safety in order to fight in the rebellion again, but when she's fighting in Edinburgh, she finds herself falling through time yet again. When she and Jamie Fraser, and the now grown children she had been forced to leave behind, cross paths yet again, she finds that neither of them are the person they used to be. Will they overcome these new differences and relearn and rediscover each other, or is their relationship now doomed to fail?
Part Four in the 'Eileanach' Series
*Just for the reference, my AO3 account will have these stories updated much more regularly. You can find me there under gingersnapper. On here, I only update every five chapters, while they're posted as I write there.