Amatsuka Megumi is a normal elementary boy before he received a magical book from a strange old man that he rescued from a group of kids that mistaken the old man for a magician. He was with Miki that time. Miki and Megumi are best friends before they even go to school. okay let's go back to the story of how it all happened. Megumi is a really good fighter. but 3 kids and an adult is too much for a little boy to handle. but he managed to beat the crap out of those guys. Megumi's forehead is bleeding. a little amount of his blood drop from his forehead to the cover book. suddenly, a very bright light came out from the pages of the book. then a Pierrot appear before their very own eyes. and then ask Megumi. "what is your wish? boy.." then Megumi said " A man among all men. to become the manliest man in the world!!!" the Pierrot then recite a spell... but there's a twist. he grants wishes the opposite way around.then Megumi became a 100% woman. will she be able to come back to her original gender?
6 parts