This is my yet another "already-written" random. I had written this Two months ago... It's short and I suck at putting what I feel in words... however, it's about "you don't need to dress a certain way to be of a particular gender" , clothes, toys, cycles, brushes, footwears, pencils, erasers doesn't have a gender! It's just that few clothes are designed in a certain way according to the shape of people. but that doesn't mean a male/transmale can't wear a dress, or a female/transfem can't wear suits, if you fit in the cloth you like and you can carry it, then just go for it! No need to hear "ew, that's so girllly " Or "you're trying to be a boy" ,what's a boy? is a boy just a gender in the gender spectrum or a boy who dresses a certain way according to your want? That boy can wear a beautiful dress, if he wants and kick it off even better than you. Don't judge people, let them be them. they ain't hurting you by dressing ,they are just being themselves and trying to feel better in their own skin. People with body dysphoria are suffering, a lot, please don't let anyone take your inner peace with their outer violence. Take care, though this writing can't express what I want to say properly but, you know, just be yourself, gender is a social construct, we all know that. You're good for who you are ♥
if someone ever gets in your way just to bring you down about your likes and choices, just hit them with a book in their face. Good luck. ♥
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