I'm great at coming up with fanfic ideas but I lack the skills (or attention span) to write them myself. My solution? To share them with you! Feel free to use any of these ideas in your own fics, you don't even have to ask permission, my only condition is that you credit me for the idea. ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ (although If you wanna pm me the details of your fic so that I can check it out that'd be awesome) Most of these ideas will be Avengers or Spiderman centric and will usually not contain ships (if they do contain a ship I will heavily warn at the beginning of the chapter.) (Uploads may be slow as these ideas tend to be few and far between but feel free to add this to your library if you like the ones I already have up so that you don't miss the next one!)
3 parts