Why anyone would ship Clarvel is so effing stupid. I'm sorry...actually I'm not sorry if I hurt your stupid little Clarvel fan's hearts. Are you kidding me though. Imagine it. Just sit back and imagine them making out. Nasty sh*t isn't it. I rather Glato and I am a huge Clato shipper. Like it's crazy how much I love Clove and Cato. You people better get your brains checked out because I'm worried about you guys. Now I will take your hate comments because they are really funny. I would like you guys to read this book and maybe this will turn you to ship Clato and read my story Promise Me You'll Promise Me. I personally don't ship Marvel with anyone. I see Glimmer with Gale but that's never going to happen. Unless Gale was from district one and he didn't want to train so he ran away to twelve and his family adopted him. Woah. That would be an awesome story plot. Well here you go,this is my book about how much I hate Clarvel.