Welcome to COMMON ROOM: A Short Story Anthology, written by Wattpad teen writers and edited by the Freshman Fifteens
When the Freshman Fifteens formed in 2013, we wanted to share the journey of being a debut author with one another. As time went on, we experienced the generosity--and help--of established authors in the writing community. We wouldn't be about to have our debut books releasing in 2015 without their support and guidance.
We wanted to do the same for writers of the future. Guiding the winners of the Wattpad-Freshman Fifteens COMMON ROOM writing contest through the process of writing, revising, and editing their short stories has been a terrific experience--we hope it's been half as fun for these talented writers as it's been for us!
We want to thank all fifteen of our mentees for working so very hard since August 2014 on these stories. We think as you read them, you will see it's all been worth it!
Please show your support by reading their stories, leaving comments and votes, and spreading the word about the COMMON ROOM anthology.
A word about the cover: A huge thank you and congratulations to Catherine Fondren, a student from the Academy of Media Arts and Technology at Northwest High High School, a Northwest ISD campus, in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, for being the winner of our COMMON ROOM cover design contest.