There's something not good about being lonely.
And I'm not referring to that time when you have your parents or kids or whatever gives you fun out of the way.
I mean the type where you wake up feeling like really bad crap.
Why we feel this way, you ask?
I think in a way, we might need to borrow some professionals on the subject.
Before I go any further, you need to know the basic instinct behind this crazy research.
I'll begin by making you take a test. (Yes, without your permission....)
Let's say you've been going through this boring day, so boring you can literally smell it in the air.
How would you choose your day to be:
1)Avoid people at all costs.
2) Find out what matters most in a day and we'll just see yourself through the goddamned day.
3) Buy a can of icecream 15 kg and counting... and well you reward yourself in the process.
To answer any of the above, we need to know the culprit in our case this time.
Why exactly is boredom? And what do we mean when we say we're bored?
Is it an assumption we make whenever we feel low on our creative juices?
And speaking of juices, should boredom be a shortcut to self gratification or should it be a gateway to inner realisation?
Does it matter if you are bored or not? And what in God's name is boredom?
Is it a spiritual call, our physiological response to stimulus?
What is stimulus even? Some event of having your best friend leave town and thus you have no one to play with?
What's the whole theory of boredom? What makes you bored in the first place? Do you need boredom?
Did our ancestors experience it? If they did, why do they?
Was it a learned instinct?
Should boredom be compared to laziness? In that accord, should we conclude that boredom is the thing?
As you can see, I wanted an answer for all this. And not just a simple explanation of how "an idle mind is the devils workshop. "
I wanted to know.