Kendal Winters is an adopted werewolf, that hasn't gotten her wolf get. When she was 10 she ran away from her pack, family, and her home. She needed to leave that hell hole she called home.
Always treated like a baby, abused, teased, and always yelled at for everything she didn't do, just because she couldn't feel or talk to her wolf like all the other kids her age, so she left.
Little did her pack know, she turned into strongest wolf to come in years, she is the black wolf.
There hasn't been one black wolf in 100s of years, the moon goddess herself picked her as the black wolf.
The black wolf is one of the strongest and most powerful wolf, also known as the moon goddesses child. All packs want the black wolf, but they haven't seen one in so long they started to think there will never be one again. Most wolves are tan,white,brown,grey, or mixed colors but none are pure black only know as the child of the moon goddess.
What happens when she goes back to her old pack? Will she find her mate?What happens when she sees her her biggest bully..... Tristen Garcia....the alphas son...and soon to be alpha? Will she tell anyone her secret?
Or will she just be misunderstood?
Lei , sedici anni, italiana.
Lui trentadue,ma in realtà ha perlomeno un cinquecento e passa di anni, Russo.
Lei, figlia di immigrati,lui il Re incontrastato,bastardo fin dentro al midollo.
Lei sogna l'amore romantico.
A lui non interessa ne l'amore,ne trovare la compagna.
Quello che vuole è che "Lei"si sottometta a lui.
(Col cavolo! Deve morire e tornare a nascere,se vuole una sottomessa!!)
*Le immagini sui lupi,sono scaricate dall'app Wolf Wallpaper.*
*Le altre immagini,prese da Google*.
#Vietato copiare!
#Storia di mia fantasia!!!
#Tutti i diritti riservati!!!!!