In the distant realm of Divinia, young students from every corner of the universe travel to attend the most famed academy of all- Royale High. The possibilities are endless, and many dreams are given the chance to be fulfilled with the wide variety of courses the school offers. From the outside, it even seems like a dream to be enrolled there. However, even the most seemingly perfect things can have a dark side. --- Aryana Swan had always known she wanted to be a detective since before she could even stand on two feet. From the moment she first learned of the unsolved mysteries of the universe, she couldn't help the intense curiosity that would overcome her whenever a new opportunity presented itself. Unfortunately, she was the only one in support of her dream. As the niece of the Queen of Divinia, Aryana's family had... other ideas for her future. After one dangerous mistake at the Queen's birthday masquerade, the young royal was hastily sent off to Royale High for her own safety. She thought that the academy would be a piece of cake... but it turns out she was in need of a LOT more experience. --- Join Aryana Swan on her journey to become the universe's best detective! What dark secrets will she uncover? --- Top Rankings: - #15 in royalehigh