The sequel to 'His Drumming Heartbeat.' A few months following the breakup with Kirishima, Bakugo thought his life would slowly return to normal, and he would get back together with his beloved redhead once he got everything figured out. However, one night out reminds him it will never be the case, and the efforts made were for nothing. On a whim-and realizing what awaits him-Bakugo does the same thing the redhead did by leaving Japan for a short while. However, this would come with a price: dealing with his demons, new and old, but with the help of everyone around him, he'll be able to work through them. His goal is to get everything worked out for himself, whatever life throws at him, hoping it'll be enough to get Kirishima back into his life. Reader Discretion Advised: the story will contain alcohol use, minor drug references, death discussion, suggestive themes, and other topics that may be sensitive to readers. There will be a warning for any of those topics. I recommend using whatever kind of headphones/earbuds you use for listening to music. Some artists are personal favorites of mine or songs I enjoy outside of most genres (i. e., rock, metal) covered in this story. Most importantly, I cannot thank everyone who read 'His Drumming Heartbeat' because this sequel would never happen if it weren't for your support. So, this book is for you guys. All characters (besides my OCs) belong to Horikoshi.