Family, they're the once who are always there. The once that are always there when you need them, know you can trust, and believe, but what if that's not the family you thought you had. The once who would do whatever it takes to protect you, where lies and secrets don't exist between you. What if all this was a fairytale only in books and dreams.
I jerked at the knock coming from the other side of the bathroom door.
Knock.. Knock ..there came another
Knock... another
Knock... KNOCK!! This time even louder.
I sank my head even deeper into the water. My hijab is soaking wet. How did I get here , being a normal high school senior to; this, living with two non-mahram matter of fact two , strangers.
"Aya, open the door please," Walid voice echoed from the other side. I shut my eyes, tears rolling down. He knocked again before speaking.
"Look Aya, I am sorry for keeping such things from you, you have every right to know about it. Just listen to me.....Aya," he stayed quite for a moment then spoke once again.
"Open the door, or I'll break it," He said knocking a little harder this time. I shot my eyes open, slowly lifting myself up.
It's quiet, other than the drops of water. Once I opened the door. I came into the view of Walid staring in shock. Before he says a word, I collapsed into strong, worm arms.