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Prophecystalker's sister is unknown to dragons. Ravenwatcher is her sister's shadow, becoming invisible whenever she's around. But she soon finds her soulmate - another NightWing bearing the name of Shadowsight. Ravenwatcher tries to only see him when her sister isn't around - or better, keep him away from her altogether. Will Shadowsight betray her and seek Prophecystalker? Or is she really the only dragon in his heart? At the same time, Prophecystalker has received and told a prophecy: A raven takes flight, a prophecy will fail - and shadows creep ever closer to the raven. The raven and the shadows must flee to a new home - or Pyrrhia and Pantala will be destroyed forever. The mystic prophecy weighing on her mind, Ravenwatcher and her Winglet, the Silver Winglet, are determined to figure out what it means and keep the continents safe - even if it means sacrificing their leader.
You don't know how or why, but you've been isekai'd into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Although your first instinct is to stay far away from the plot, you've been blessed with an abnormal amount of cursed energy, and for better or worse, you find yourself sucked into the storyline. You decide that you may as well use your newfound powers for the greater good, and if you're lucky, you might succeed in rewriting some of the characters' fates. But it turns out that your presence in this world is even bigger deal than you first thought, and soon, everyone wants to make you theirs.