I used to not believe in long-distance relationships, a.k.a LDR. The set-up didn't make sense to me-why would anyone choose to be with someone who can't be there? Isn't the point of being with someone to be with them? I didn't believe this kind of relationship could work...until I fell in love with someone who can't always be there because of the distance.
Suddenly, I understood. No one wants to be in a long-distance relationship, but when faced with the challenge, people choose to stay because of one ultimate, irrevocable reason-love. And, as you might already know, love is worth everything.
Trust and communication is the foundation, but I swear on these things that I've learned over the past years.
According to them, "they key to surviving LDR is constant communication and patience," and making sure the foundation of your relationship is "built on trust and love."