Clay's life has never been easy after severe harm was caused by his drunk father. His mother can't decide anything at home and daily arguments go so far that his mother regularly escapes the house. Clay feels lost and starts blaming himself for all problems at home. Instead of asking someone for help, he decides to start starving himself to gain some control in his life. His attempt to lose weight goes so far that his weight drops dangerously low which leads to a forced hospital stay, causing a lot of traumatic experiences. No one seems to understand the very sick Clay and he starts slipping away more and more, not believing anyone who tells him he suffers from anorexia nervosa. Everything keeps escalating until a young boy with bulimia nervosa stays with him in his hospital room... Warnings: -Anorexia nervosa (hospitalisation/forced tube feeding) -Overexercising/starving (extreme weight loss) -Bulimia nervosa (purging (throwing up) -Numbers of weight (loss)/calories -Emotional (rarely physical) abuse -Bullying (abuse)All Rights Reserved