Lost and shattered Spider...
9 parts Complete Peter Parker lost everything he held dear to him. With the death of the two beloved people he had called family, he was officially an orphan now. The only thing that was keeping him alive was his own sense of guilt. Too bad that what he truly wished for was redemption and that could only come with his own death or so he thought...
Now all alone in an orphanage, this poor kid is bound to lose himself while the guilt and anger was eating him alive. Will a hero, an avenger, be able to safe him? Will maybe a villain like Loki be the one to help him out? Who knows... maybe he is far too broken and shattered to be put back in pieces.
This is a spider man fanstory hope you enjoy! Please also feel free to correct my bad writing.
Rights on the pictures go to the artist.
I do not own spider man, rights to the owner.