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It didn't always start out like this. People at one point were kind, considerate even, but don't believe it for too long. People always disappoint.
I mean, just look at me.
I'm people, and I'm plenty disappointed.
You see, life happens, and fair just kind of flies out the window. I wasn't given fair. She wasn't given fair either. No one is truly given fair. In fact, fair was taken from me the moment that my sister left the plains of life. Now I'd never blame her, it wasn't her fault. Not like she chose to be killed.
But I didn't choose to live either.
My sister believed in people. She believed that there was kindness wherever she went, and whoever she met would be kind as well. She may have chosen kindness, but life didn't. Life isn't kind.
Now, this doesn't mean that life doesn't make people equal. That's not true at all. You see, life has this funny way of exacting an eye for an eye method when absolutely necessary. This is how life redeems its cruel ways. This is how life is fair.
I fully understand now.
I can see it.
This life that I was given, it has a purpose. A righteous purpose, but, if I'm being frank, in order to explain that purpose, I'd have to start from the beginning. Everyone knows the beginning is always messy, it's rough, it's sad.
But there's beauty too. It's quiet, it's fragile, but it's beautiful.
Take my older sister Meredith, she had never done anything that could be deemed bad. She was kind to everyone, she was smart, but she was young. She was three years older than me, eight at the time of her untimely death.
But I can't give too much away, not yet at least. All that I do is for her, she deserves it all. And it's my job to give her what she deserved. All Rights Reserved
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