Liyue was... interesting, to say the least. Its harbor, to which Childe was set to on yet another glorious (utterly ridiculous) mission by Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa, was too hot, too crowded for Childe's liking. And yet, there was something about it that made him want to stay. Perhaps it was the way the breeze faintly smelled of the ocean and fish, the way Morepesok did, or maybe it was because Liyue Harbor was simply so alive. Or maybe, just maybe, it was because those amber eyes were far too enticing to leave behind, even if they were the eyes of his enemy.
With his dying breath, the orange-haired man made his promise. Unfortunately, the memory of it was lost as he was reincarnated in his next life. Zhongli on the other hand had a clear memory of the promise, the contract he was still keeping after all those years.
Could Childe remember his past life or would he spend the rest of his life not knowing about it.
How much longer does Zhongli need to wait for him.
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