Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a Pirates Life for Me.... Everywhere you sail on the Sea of Thieves, is a free man and woman who go out and commits the acts of Piracy for there own pleasures.... but there is something amiss amongst the Seas, a mysterious woman appeared out of no wheres, warning folks of the oncoming dangers, but none heeded it... except one pirate that's been at this since the beginning, he has heard the stories form her about another force, trying to take over the Sea of the Damned and remove the Ferryman. Now my dear Readers, i hope your ready to follow the Footsteps of Captain Zachary Jones on his ship, The Dreadnought because its time to drop sails, sharpen your blades and ready your flintlocks, cause its time to save the world form a certain squid face captain!All Rights Reserved
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