I went in America for a year, and I fell hard for a girl for the first time in my life.
I also got broken hearted for the first time.
She was younger than me, and at first I didn't want anything to do with her, but as time passed, I gave up my rules.
I started writing to let out my feelings on paper, and I ended up having a journal of everything that happened between us. At first she had a boyfriend, then we flirted for like a week, then I helped her getting together with another girl. I backed off at that point, but she kept playing with me anyway, until I finally confronted her and ended the hope I had to be with her. A few weeks later I found outwe had class together, we were good friends but I catched feelings again, even if I had a girlfriend.
In the beginning it was just me discussing my feelings, than I also started writing poetry about her, a lot.
I know it's a bit repetitive especially in the first few chapter, but I decided to keep them anyway to give the full story.
Also, English it's not my first language, so feel free to correct me if I made any mistakes.
I hope whoever needs it, can find this somewhat relatable.