This is a diary I initially wanted to be anonymous, but I eventually just said screw it and wanted to go public with it. These are all events that happened to me, and thoughts I had/am having. This is not written for viewing pleasure, and is made mostly as a way of expression and a place to vent.
This will go over a bunch of subjects that can be hard to read, of which I will recap certain parts of my life that are traumatic, such as depression, isolation, abuse, neglect, and overall shitty situations. With that in mind, this is not some pity party. I've just had a rough life, definitely not the roughest out there, so please don't think I'm trying to draw sympathy. If anything, I'm publishing this, because I feel like opening up about stuff like this could help someone else open up about things such as suicidal ideations, depression, and anxiety. Don't keep it all too yourself, get help, it's there for a reason.