This story views the world from the eyes of outcast , someone whom the world has stopped listening to a long time ago . Deep down , this story is the accumulation of what I had lived through in my life . It is paradoxically , it is deceptive , it is abstract , within it another story is hiding . Its abstract nature was born from many clashing emotions that I felt while writing this .
This story is my impression of life until this very day , as I look back at my past , try to make sense of my present , and think of what my future would be like . However , this story is not about me , it's about what I think of the world around me throughout my life . I'm still in my blooming youth as I write this , so there is a lot that I may learn, and what I think may morph in the future . In fact , there may come a time when I look back at this story , and fail to understand what I was trying to convey .
I do not want to project my interpretation of this story on you , instead I invite you to read it and try to interpret it yourself . See if you can find and read the hidden story behind this one , and hopefully you can use it as a driving force to push you forward it should you find it .