I was never particulary fond of clichés, in fact, I've actually grown to despise them.
Blond bimbos, hot werewolves, you name them all. They all just pretty much revolve around the same topic. You may think that the getting together of the nerd and the bad boy may be a love story better than a fairytale but it's so repetitive to the point where if they were real people, I strongly guarantee you, 90% of the world would have cloned couple stories.
Oh, and that reminds me.
That's only the beginning of my torture. Being a stupid teenager as I am, I decided that getting involved with some internet "type any curse you want and it'll come true" mojo crap was probably just a scam that killed time for me but the very next day, the tables turned and it proved false. Even worse, it happened to people I happened to be with everyday; my friends, teachers, even parents.
I will tell you now that I'm not the most patient person, but in order to reverse all of this, I will have to play therapist. Learn all their backstories that I.D.G.A.F about. Put up with their pathetic tears and tv-show style drama.
Seriously, you wouldn't want to get involved.
I think I'll start to hate clichés even more.