TRUTH OF YOUTH Even though life is a journey from birth to death it still has lots of mysterious truth which we have to face till our journey of life ends. Some face the mysterious truth with courage and faith and get the way to live happily in the life of reality in life but some can't face the mysterious truth and get confused with reality and imagination and always live in unhappiness. It's very often that only few succeed but the main motive of life is to live peacefully with courage and determination with no worries and regret enjoying the present. But although it doesn't mean that we should forget our duty being a child or an adult and most often our duty towards our nation. All over, this is just the fact not the truth. It's being often said youth is the future of the nation but what if the youth can't face the truth of their life? Many will often say there future will be as dark as the darkness of regret. So to just avoid the darkness of regrets from our life it is our first priority to explore our life to find what basically we are to our self. Do we have courage to face the reality? If not then what we should to face it? Nothing is impossible, the word itself describe I'm possible. This is started of our youth so don't get nervous it's the time to make mistake and learn from then even old people make mistake. The only difference between successful and unsuccessful people is mistake and failures. Successful people accept their mistake and failures and learn from them but unsuccessful people never admit their mistake and failure and give up soon. To all people before giving up ask yourself why did you started just to lose and gain nothing. There is no shortcut to success. Is always said life is not easy to live without courage, determination, self-confidence and vice versa. Even though it's not easy for a child to have a determined youth's life on and on throughout their life they may lost their will power to move on.All Rights Reserved