This story is currently discontinued... Sorry>~< We've all got writers block for this story
Yuruza and Nico. 'Lovers' since 6th grade, but of course they wouldn't admit it back then because someone was interfering and that someone was a girl named Rei. Everyone could clearly tell that Nico liked Rei, which caused him to separate from Yuruza for a while, but when Rei transferred school in the 7th grade, Nico's heart because frozen, as frozen as a block of ice and there's only one person that could ever possibly mealy that ice, Yuruza.
Pencerenin kenarında tekerlekli sandalyede, ölmeyi bekleyen adama! Berdel olarak verilmiştim...
Urfa'nın dar sokakları üstüne, üstüne gelirken savaşmak hiç bu kadar zor olmamıştı...
Liya Dağdeviren
Hazar Harzemşah
@! Tüm haklar şahsıma aittir. Çalıntı veya kopyalama durumunda yasal işlem başlatılacaktır!.