This about life in Storybrooke you have all seen Once Upon A Time well this is different way different. Avril was and orphan she grew up in the woods she's the towns trouble maker Mary Margaret took her under her care but Avril she doesn't really like Mary so they always fight. Avril is her curse name but Raven Hood is her real name she is the true love of Peter Pans but he pushed her away because he was scared of getting hurt like he did in his childhood. She's best friends with the mayor Regina but what happens when one day she is given Henry as her son? What happens when the curse breaks and she finds out who she really is? But most importantly what happens when Peter Pan comes to town and kidnaps her son who's side will she be on? What happens when she is reunited with her daughters and son (Ariella, Braden and Carrie) and her husband Peter Pan? What happens when Henry wants to go to New York and Avril and Henry find his real mom?All Rights Reserved