Galaxia(Gal-aiz-eya) is divided. But a young girl from Starlion believes fhat all the lands shall be friends and form Galaxia once again. Note: Erthe is pronounced like the word Earth, Starlion is prononuced (Star-lie-ann), Raie is prononuced (Rēē), Startropholis is prononuced (Star-troff-a-less), and Solrar is pronounced (Sol-reir). WARNING: THIS CONTAINS M1LD L4NGU4G3, C3N50R3D CU551NG, 4TT3MPT3D CU551NG, V10L3NC3, G0R3, BL00D, D3A7H, AND M1ND C0N7R0L.All Rights Reserved