Soooo... this is a reader X Mey-Rin story, with a female reader. Yes, there will be spoilers for Black Butler, and Black Butler: Book of Circus! So please do not read it you do not want spoilers!
So how this will get started is, you will be "Y/N Loving". Yes, I am changing your last name to Loving. If you don't like it, please just read it as your last name! Also, your butlers (Who is a female) name will be Tanaka, (T- a- ni- ka)! I know Tanaka already has that name but you know..they're pronounced differently! Your servants names will be, Iris (Girl), Alexander (Boy), and Louis (Boy). And you can make them look how-ever you would like!
Lady Loving (You): 18.
Tanaka: idk, she's a demon. You tell me.
Iris: 20.
Alexander: 23.
Louis: 25.
And I will be trying to post once every two days until School starts again from Christmas break. But when school starts again I will probably post once every three days, alright? Alright.
Also, your Manor has a Rose symbol if you get what I'm trying to say. Well, to put it more simple, your symbol for your family is a Rose.
Anyway, I don't know what else to say, so let's get this Circus in Dream Land!
(Yeah, I'm not funny-)