The veil is a mystical sheet that protects the entirety of the human world from the other side. The veil is cracking, slowly but surely. The world has no choice but to call upon the Kami. The Kami are being petty though; the last time they bestowed power to the humans, bad shit happened. They still have a grudge about how much time and energy they wasted protecting them. Even with the overall refusal amongst the citizens of Takamagahara, Amaterasu rules that every higher Kami, including Susanoo, must endorse a human of their choosing in the next 10 years. Amaterasu doesn't find this very pleasing either, but what choice does she have? If the veil breaks, and the other side takes over the human world, they might find the ambition to challenge the higher beings. Amaterasu cannot take such a chance. With the cracks in the veil increasing, what will happen when Susanoo makes a hasty, last minute decision and chooses the person least fit for the job? ------------------- Here we go again. Another story I abandon then randomly show up to update a half chapter after 6 months of nothingness. -WARNINGS- Cursing Homosexuality (aka gayness) (p.s. i only put this story as mature because this is my first time doing a story like this and i really don't want to get flagged down-)All Rights Reserved