My Hero Academia (僕のヒーローアカデミア) is a Japanese superhero manga series written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi. The story follows Izuku Midoriya, a boy born without superpowers (called Quirks) in a world where they have become commonplace, but who still dreams of becoming a superhero himself. He is scouted by All Might, Japan's greatest hero, who chooses Midoriya as his successor and shares his Quirk with him after recognizing his potential, and later helps to enroll him in a prestigious high school for heroes in training. A/N; ♫︎ this story is in Malaysian language ♫︎ storyline cerita ni same je macam cerita asal tapi ade ubah2 sikit sebab ade penambahan oc ♫︎ mha characters dan storyline cerita ni milik horikoshi sensei. author hanye ubah sikit and tambah oc saje start; 31 dec 2021 end; enjoy it!All Rights Reserved
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