3 Methods for Canon TR4500 Setup
Canon printers, generally can be configured in various ways. In this case, for instance, you could use the standard method to setup by using the USB cable or choose the wireless options offered.
Technology is constantly improving and has brought about a variety of smart features for printers that are smart like this. In this guide we'll walk you through the best ways to set up Canon TR4500 printer just like professional.
Choose one of these three ways to configure your ij.start.canon printer and computer. Once you have it set up, you can start scanning, printing and sending documents to fax.
Below, we will go over these techniques using a guideline to set up the Canon TR4500 Printer.
Method 1: Canon TR4500 Setup via USB Port
In this manner you will be able how to set up Canon TR4500 printer using USB port. In order to do that, follow these steps:
• Visit the website of the canon.com/ijsetup printer manufacturer and download driver for compatible printers.
• Install the driver for your printer on your PC.
• Then, select then the "Devices & Printer" option on your system. Next, select your printer's choice from the drop-down menu.
• Devices and Printers - Canon printing setup pixma printer tr4500
• Choose the connection method once it appears in the following window.
• You can select "USB". Select the "USB" connection option and hit "OK" button.
• Connect to the USB cable with your printer and you will be able to use Canon TR4500 Setup.
• After that, switch on your printer and just wait for it to be connected.
• After that, you are able to test the print screen's display. To do this, click "Start" and test the prints.
This is the process that will show you "how to set up Canon Pixma TR4500" with the USB port. But, the majority of users will not have an USB cable at specific time. In this scenario, you'll need to choose the wireless alternative. We will discuss it in the next step.
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