26 parts Ongoing In the ancient Kingdom of Meliah, an ominous prophecy begins to unfold. Celest, a humble farmer's daughter, stumbles upon the legendary Fifth Dagger-an artifact of unimaginable power, said to bring either salvation or destruction to the world. Chosen by fate, yet unwilling to be bound by it, Celest is thrust into a perilous journey that pits her against a growing darkness led by the warlock Mizpah, also a dagger-bearer who commands the storms and an army of soulless creatures. With the Kingdom on the brink of war and the prophecy's shadow looming, Celest must decide whether to embrace her destiny or forge a new path, even as the dagger's corrupting whispers grow stronger.
Alongside her is Jethro, the crown prince of Meliah and a historian desperate to unlock the dagger's mysteries before it consumes her. Together, they must navigate treacherous alliances, ancient magic, and their own hearts, as hope and fellowship become their only shield against the encroaching storm. But as Mizpah's forces close in, and the true cost of wielding the Fifth Dagger is revealed, Celest faces a terrifying choice: surrender the dagger and risk the world's ruin, or wield it and lose herself to its dark power. The fate of Ever-Realm teeters on a knife's edge-will she be the world's savior, or its destroyer?