Delilah Olsin, a 17 year old girl, lives a pretty good life. She lives with her mom, dad, and older brother Cameron, currently away at college, and things couldn't be better. Junior year has just started and she and best friend Jesse want to start their new year off fresh. Huntington High didn't have too much to offer but nonetheless, these girl are determined. With every teenager there's drama and of course, boys. After getting to know the mysterious guy at the school, Jack Gilinsky, Lilah makes a few shocking discoveries about his past. After meeting Jack at the bus stop, Delilah begins to change in the best ways possible. A few bumps in the road never stopped her. "Lilah, you're insane!" Jesse always said. "Just the slightest!" Lilah would respond with.
My name is Taylor Gilinskys I am a 16. I live with my dad and my brother Jack Gilinsky he's 17 My mom lives in California and my dad lives in Omaha Nebraska when they got divorced it was rough but I decided to stay home in Omaha because I didn't want to start over in a new town my first year of high school. Me and jack have the same friends, our group is Nate(17) Sammy (17) and jack j (17). *all written from Taylor's point of view*
*not edited*