3 siblings, Kenzaki Utahro, Nekbo Utahro, Akimitsu Utahro, and their family end up living in the new land that's between Japan & American called Arc Hikari where they shine their hearts for the future. They live in a new homeland as later in 3 months later, the distribution has come and it was shockwave as Kenzaki, Nekbo, and Akimitsu suddenly glow three different colors for each of them. first Kenzaki was blue, Nekbo is yellow, and Akimitsu is red. As this goes on, only two of his brothers disappeared. Kenzaki, being the only one who didn't disappear, talk to his father about what happened, he reveals to him that they may have been connected to their ancestor who fought against Deviant Shades for centuries. And now the new Deviant Shade has returned, Kenzaki now dons the driver called TriColo-Artist Belt, to fight against villains that were a threat to other universes. But he told Kenzaki that if he or his family visit other universes, their universe will merge theirs thus affecting the history depending if the universe wants to merge or remain separate from their universe. And so, his adventure begins.
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One of OC belong to me