When Seirin and the generation of miracles, along with their most trusted friends find themselves in an unknown room, they're in their right to reclam answers. When they discover another group identical in all but age with the group of amazing players, all of them forget about it, and another question cross their mind : how can there be two models of each members of the genereation of miracles except Kuroko ? They don't know anything anymore when they find out the Kuroko who was with them since the start of this confusing situation isn't either of their Kuroko. Finally, a girl named Jian appear out of nowhere and explain to them the concept of parallel universes and timeline's paradoxes. While she's busy saving all of them to get them back to their original time, she leave them a little gift, to watch and listen to. The present get the opportunity to study their past actions and see those events with distance. The past get to see what happens to them in the future. Neither of those groups know what is going to be revealed in this rewatching. I do not own Kuroko no Basket. Enjoy.All Rights Reserved