This is my life by the my real life. My name's Shaylee Day I don't like it my self I go by shay or Shaylee>"<. Umm I don't have to many friends... sadly I'm not going to say there real name so my best friends name is logo( her Nick name.) I have a boy friend I wouldn't change him at all. I have two so called friends (u now the people that take advantage over u) one's Miky don't know how to spell her Nick name okay the next one's name is Fafa ugh she's stabbed me more Times then I can thank of but I'm a softy and forgive her every time and now I wish I didn't. She keeps going back to a guy that tacks things to fast. I really don't like him he makes fun of bands that I listen to all the time. and I know your probably thinking I dated him...sadly I did *~* FaFa kada made me. But I do hate him a lot he's a pane in the ass if you now what I mean.
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