The commandments to friends are as followed 1. I will not lie (lie) 2. I will be there for you( most of the time) 3. I will never hurt you (intentionally) 4. I will talk to you (when I need to talk) 5. I will always put you first (Unless I meet someone way cooler who buys bras at Victoria Secret instead of Walmart . The unwritten laws of friendship 1.I will only tell the truth when it will not end up making you mad or anyone else 2.If I am not busy with my own needs I will totally help you 3.Intentionally hurting will never be something I try to do unless you are no longer my best friend and I have a good reason to hate you. 4. I usually talk to you because I need to hear a complaint about life that is not my own 5.You are my first when it looks good on me. welcome to the real rules of friendship.All Rights Reserved